
Yanjian Wins the Bids for Two International Contracting Projects in Fiji and Tajikistan


Yanjian Wins the Bids for Two International Contracting Projects in Fiji and Tajikistan(图1)

Yanjian Wins the Bids for Two International Contracting Projects in Fiji and Tajikistan(图2)

On January 18 and 19, Yanjian Tajikistan Company and Fiji Company respectively received the letter of acceptance of oxygen station (including air compressor station) project of the 500t/D pressurized oxidation project of Taror Gold mine of Tajikistan of Zhongta Zeravshan Co., Ltd. and the recommissioning project of Fiji Ba hospital. The contracts of the two projects will be signed after being reviewed by the group company.
The oxygen station (including air compressor station) project of Taror gold mine 500t/D pressurized oxidation project of Zhongta Zeravshan Co., Ltd. is located in the plant area of Zhongta Zeravshan Co., Ltd, including civil construction works and building services works (including building electrical lighting and water supply and drainage system) of main plant, waste heat recovery, power transformation and distribution room, air compressor station. The building area of the oxygen station is 4068.44m2 and the building height is 17.3m. The project is the largest monomer project in the "500 t / D pressurized oxidation project of Taror Gold Mine". The bid winning of the project lays a foundation for our company to contract other projects of Zhongta Zeravshan Co., Ltd.
Fiji BA hospital recommissioning project is located in BA Province, Fiji. The project is the first contract project undertaken by Yanjian Group (Fiji) Company PTE Limited since Covid-19. The recommissioning scope includes civil engineering, decoration, electrical services, IT/COMMS services, water supply and drainage, air conditioning, fire services, LPG services, etc.. Fiji company started the construction of the new Ba hospital project in June 2015 and successfully handed over to the Client in October 2018. Since new BA hospital project has not been commissioned until now after the handover, the recommissioning project is again awarded to our company, which represents the Clients recognition of the previous work of Fiji company. Fiji is now undergoing third waves of COVID-19. The recommissioning project of the hospital will bring great help to the western region of Fiji.
